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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fred Thompson Is the Man / Democrats Are Traitors

It's clear to me that President Fred Thompson...ahem...Mr. Thompson, is going to declare his intention to run for President. I believe he would be an excellent Commander in Chief. Whether someone can be an effective Commander of the Armed Forces is the top priority of ALL the duties of a President.

Democrats have shown an antipathy for the military for decades. They truly despise people who freely join the military and go to war on their own accord and actually follow the orders of a Commander in Chief. Democrats basically have no backbone and not guts, so they are confused as to why free people would put themselves at risk. Just ask Bill Clinton what he thinks about military service.

A potential President Hillary Clinton or a President Barack Obama would be a total joke. They would humiliate the military by causing them to be retreaters, instead of defeaters. They would lead them into a defensive position, enabling our enemies to gain momentum and thus threaten our security interests overseas and at home. Both Clinton and Obama have openly professed their communist so many words. They both want higher taxes (i.e. Success Punishment) and a retreat of the United States from battling external threats. However, they do want to dismantle the free economy we have and replace it with an ineffecient government monopoly in various economic sectors.

Democrats are unable to lead, unable to govern, and unable to deter our enemies. They are spineless, ineffective, defeatist, and hate the Constitution. They spit on the graves of the Founders of the United States every time they open their putrid mouths. I saw a liberal literally spit on the ground in disgust once when he saw the original Constitution in Washington D.C. He wiped the slobber from his mouth and glared at the Constitution as if he wanted to burn it. He was wearing a "Peace" shirt, so I'm assuming he is against the Iraq War.

Liberals simply want to take your Freedom away.

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