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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Liberalism Is Dying

Liberalism is dying as a philosophy. When given a choice, Americans prefer Conservative ideas to Liberal ones. There just isn't anything inspiring about Liberalism. Liberalism shuns individualism. Liberals at the ACLU prefer a Communist group-thought mentality to good old fashioned American Independence and Freedom.

To be a member of the liberal community, you must first shed all ideas that you are, in any way, different from anyone else. The Communist Party Inner Circle (ACLU) wants to make sure everyone is not only equal, but alike. Criminals, doesn't matter to them. Everyone has the same net worth. In fact, every THING has the same net worth. A human is no better than a worm to them. That ideal is conveyed as being the ultimate in idealism. : "Oh, how humble am I. I am worth no more than a worm and I accept that. I am a better person because I express no individual thought. I am part of something bigger than myself."

Liberal newspapers have been slowly rotting on the vine for years and lately that trend has been accelerating. Who wants to read a bunch of liberal trash? Not any Americans who value their freedom. In the last 12 years, NYT circulation has dropped 22%. People simply have more options. They can easily avoid CNN and go to Fox News. And that they do! Fox News has been destroying CNN for years. The gap grows and grows. Bill O'Reilly simply decimates the stalwarts of CNN at every level. Liberals are quickly losing their loudest voices...the MSM.

Radio is another arena in which Democrats can't compete. When Air America was at its peak, they had done a pretty good job of getting up and running. However, no one was listening. Advertisers pulled away and they went bankrupt. They were then saved by the athiest liberal leader George Soros who infused enough cash to keep them operating, if only nominally. What is the liberal answer to this dilemma? To shut down Conservative Radio by forcing station owners to air an equal amount of liberal programming (even though no one will be listening) and forcing those owners to eat the cost personally..since no advertisers in their right mind is going to pay a station for no listeners. This would effectively eliminate radio from the market and leave people with nothing but the major liberal TV networks....all of which are liberal save one: Fox. But touch NOT the liberal news rags and the liberal networks that dominate all other media! Don't dare intrude on Hollywood! Those are the untouchables! Make only radio subject to a "Fairness Doctrine"! It's really just a desperate measure on their part.

During the last election, Nancy Pelosi & Co. spearheaded the effort to run "Conservative Democrats" in local elections all across the Nation. They knew they couldn't win honestly. They had to show they had family values, fiscal discipline, were pro-national security, and other such ideas that are Conservative. Now that the Democrats are in power in Congress, they are showing themselves as they truly are...Liberals. As a result, their ratings have dropped to the bottom of the barrel.

There is no such thing as a Conservative Democrat. That's like calling a baby murderer a 'Man of God'. It's also like calling someone who spits in the face of Nature's Laws a "priest" in some wacko pseudo-church. Yea, they are priests alright...priests like the Aztek versions who threw babies to their deaths. They would gladly throw babies to their deaths if they could just call it a Late-Term Abortion, or maybe a Post-Birth Abortion. Some northern European medical societies are calling for that too, actually. I am convinced that liberals get a thrill out of abortions. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them had films of such tucked away in their bottom drawers for special occasions with friends.

Liberalism is experiencing a demise. They are lashing out and are, of course, fighting hard to maintain their push to Communize the world. They are much like an injured bear. An injured animal can sometimes be much more dangerous than a healthy one. The best time to win in a battle like to go in for the attack. Don't wait for the injured Liberal Machine to regroup and rebuild. They are afraid of what is happening in America: Conservatism is making a major comeback. Americans are tearing down the liberal infrastructure that was started by the Warren Court and the ACLU. They will do anything they can to keep their Communist dreams alive. They are also predisposed to violence and we must be prepared to deal with that. Just look at the DNC Chairman, Howard Dean. He emotionally explodes on a moments notice. It makes you wonder why liberals love him so much when he is obviously one short of a six pack. Is he their model for an ideal liberal?

This is the time to be vigilant against Liberalism, not a time to be in awe of their final throes. Rejoice.

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