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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Debate In America : Good For Iraqi Progress

The conflict between the Republicans and Democrats over whether we should proceed in Iraq is going to end up forcing the Iraqi government to clamp down forcefully on divisive segments in their society (and externally-derived insurgents). They know we've been there for them for years. We helped put their democracy into place. But Iraqis, not knowing anything about democracy, are like immature children who have actually needed the current conflict just to give them a sense as to why democracy is so important. They are having to learn their lessons the hard way. They are certainly learning that 'Freedom isn't Free'.

Just the IDEA that a large part of the American public is tiring of supporting the war should force pro-democracy elements in Iraq (which is most likely almost all of them, save a few insurgents who can cause massive damage) to step up domestic efforts at stabilization. I think the Iraqis really are trying at this point. Their troops are risking their lives and families just by joining up.

Iraqi's are taking the lead in many areas of their country. I read a report not too long ago about a firefight in which an American was seriously wounded. The Iraqis took command of the firefight, allowing the Americans to rescue their countryman. That shows least of those particular Iraqi troops. But I'm certain such sentiment is not limited to that one unit. Yes, there are good people in Iraq right now and they aren't just Americans. Those are the people we have to support.

I don't feel it's time to leave Iraq yet, but I think the dispute in this country over how we should good for the process in the end.

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