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Monday, March 19, 2007

Gore's Global Warming Blunder

Al Gore has recently begun to reap what he has sown through his uninformed speeches, alarmist movie, and even more uninformed and alarmist books. Gore has trained a 1000-strong force of environmentalist minions who tromp about the planet spreading his new religion. They claim that human activity is destroying the Earth so fast that in less than a century, the Earth will be catapaulted into a disastrous cycle that will supposedly end life as we know it. They also view the Earth as a living deity that reacts when it is "offended" by human attacks by means of logging, hunting, or jet-setting (Gore?).

Scientists worldwide, on both sides of the global warming issue, have come out against Gore's radical theories. Gore appears to be ignorant of some basic Earth history. Even the most left-leaning of scientists can't ignore Gore's total lack of knowledge relating to ice age cycles, orbital tilt, the slow changes in the shape of Earth's orbit over time, and the effect of solar energy on global waming and cooling.

I will start this discussion with an argument relating to the solar system as a whole. At this time, "global warming" is occuring on numerous planets. This includes most of the planets (including 'minor planet' Pluto) and certain moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn. A simple Google search will take your to numerous sources of scientific information regarding this. Here is one from 2002 that I would recommend: What is the common denominator between Earth and Pluto? Could it be the sun, perhaps? Did humans cause global warming on Pluto, as well? I wonder if Gore has a theory about how carbon emissions could reach Pluto through the vacuum of space. Will driving a Prius lower the catastrophic environmental change being unleashed on innocent Pluto?

Ice Age cycles are of particular importance since Gore focuses a lot of attention on melting arctic and Antarctican ice. 600 -800 million years ago, the entire Earth was covered in ice that extended to the equator. This is commonly known as the "Snowball Earth" period. Was the global warming that caused Earth to heat up in order to support life....a runaway disaster? Earth is currently in an Interglacial period. Ice ages on Earth occur in more or less 100,000 year cycles. Only in the relatively recent geological past did the Bering Strait "Land Bridge" give way to the sea. This was happening long before humans ever discovered combustion. We're talking tens of thousands of years ago. How does Gore reconcile this? A cursory study into ice ages would teach even the most hard-headed individual that ice ages cycle are inevitable. Heating and cooling trends cannot be stopped or started by humans on the timescale Gore proposes. In fact, on a geological timescale, it won't be too long and we'll be in another ice age. No amount of SUV driving is going to change the wobble of the Earth (despite the fact that a recent, ridiculous liberal article claimed that Earth will soon become "lop-sided" because of human-induced global warming. i.e.

Orbital tilt is another important aspect when one looks into global warming and cooling periods. It has been recently discovered that the orbit of the Earth becomes more or less circular rather than elliptical on 2.5 Million and 1 Million year cycles. This "flattening out" of the orbit is believed to cause catastrophic upheavals to the point that mass extinctions occur. The preceding link should be a good starting point for some light study.

Alarmists who relate human activity to environment disaster are apparently unaware of the catastrophic power of nature itself. There is nothing that humans could do to this planet that nature hasn't done (and will do again) millions of times over. Keep in mind that asteroids have decimated this planet numerous times in the past. We are but one species on this planet and currently are at the top of the food chain. There is no insurance against an asteroid impact. Even if we avoided a terminal impact at some point in the future, there are perils in deep space that could doom the entire solar system eventually, such as passing through the path of a black hole or a wandering star.

Even volcanic activity on the planet has a far greater impact on global temperatures than human progress. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo dropped global temperatures by about 1 deg F. However, the stratospheric temperature rose several degrees and large amounts of the ozone layer were destroyed.

It is quite prideful of Gore to believe that he is a savior of the planet. Not only is he ignorant of basic scientific facts, but his entire view of the solar system and universe are warped. His perspective is blinded by his narrow Earth worshipping religion. He has become a laughing stock of the scientific world.

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