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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

VA Tech Shootings / Liberal Debauchery

I was watching Lou Dobbs last night. He was reporting on the massacre at Virginia Tech. Dobbs brought in a group of "intellectuals" from various universities i.e. social scientists. At first, I was sure they wouldn't go totally Left considering the weight of the topic. Lou Dobbs made sure he controlled the direction of the argument, in that he "guided" them into a discussion about how society "causes" people to commit horrible crimes like this.

I was quite repulsed at the consensus these people came to: That society is responsible for the crimes of people like this; That their mental illness is a reflection of society; That the perpetrator of this crime is most likely a past victim of bullying or some other plight. Oh, poor mass killer.... Even in the aftermath of killing 33 people and injuring 29, this criminal's personal blame was shifted to YOU and to ME.

Not once did I hear any condemnation of the killer in this situation. Not once did I hear anything that suggested that anyone other than "modern culture" is to blame. Liberalism has reached its peak. It cannot get any worse at this point. The debauchery of liberals is completely maxed out. Even mass murder is excusible. Maybe that's why they want us out of Iraq so bad? Maybe liberals don't see a problem with stopping terrorists? Maybe human life is just very expendable to them, or just a topic of discussion that liberal social scientists can use to get some grant money for "case studies"?

One "intellectual" on Lou Dobbs decided to turn the topic to gun control. He decided that "access to guns" was a main contributor to this incident. In fact, NO access to guns by the victims of this horrible crime was the main contributor. The State of Va recently rejected a bill that would have given qualified staff and students at the State's colleges the right to carry a concealed weapon after passing background checks and receiving proper training. Gun control didn't work very well, did it? Liberals were applauding the defeat of the bill and stating that the colleges of the State of VA would be "safer" because the bill was defeated. Are they safer?

There is no way to completely seal a border with such a permeating world-wide economy. Even if, God-forbid, liberals managed to institute a nation-wide gun ban, gun violence would proliferate. Washington D.C, South Africa, Great Britain, Australia, among other areas of the world are excellent examples of what happens when honest, law abiding citizens are denied the right to carry concealed weapons. They are massacred like sheep laid out for the slaughter. The situation at VA Tech was definitely that of a wolf hunting sheep. Sadly, those students had no legal way to defend themselves. They were made helpless by their own foolish State government.

If only one faculty member or student had access to a concealed weapon, perhaps some lives could have been saved. It takes time for law enforcement to respond to shootings. The people on the front line are the victims, and victims should at least have the option of self-defense.

1 comment:

JJ said...

One more comment, "Anonymous"....

"Stupidest" is improper grammar and "Stupiity" is not even a word. You must be a product of an inner-city public school system. I pity you.

You dind't even try to confront any of the issues I presented and reduced yourself to personal attacks and cursing. This is very typical of liberals. It amuses me and you are their Chief Clown. So keep on with it...make me laugh some more! :)